Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Days

Our first days of school went well.  We had only one cryer.  We already had one little boy telling the girls that they couldn't play (wow!), but no major behaviors yet.  Well, I did get bit.  It was not a bite out of frustration or anger, just because my leg was there!  Didn't leave a mark or hurt, so I'll write it off.
Looking forward to having all the kiddos together tomorrow!  (We just had open house and half-class days last week)

Classroom tour!

We have a few new additions to the classroom this year- namely the "brown" rug and new book shelf.  I love it!
Here's last year's classroom for comparison. 

I'm working hard to call it the "brown rug" after years of referring to the "blue rug"
This serves as our book area, block play area, and circle time rug.

Our main bulletin board- calendar, birthdays, schedule, poems/songs

I'm obsessed with our Owl birthday chart- from TPT

Mr. Potato Head rules

Awesome new bookshelf- no more toppling books!
Family photos (in purple frames) will go on white wall to the right of the bookshelf.

Blocks, circle time basket, lamp for quiet times

Block accessories: potato heads, cars, small dolls, animals, glass gems, tile samples, window blocks, Owl puppets (in basket on top)

Beloved BackJack chair, bunny cage under the loft

We personalized one of our BackJacks!

Our super cozy loft!  Lots of pillows, bears, and books!

Dramatic play- Poster with photos of everyone's houses on the bulletin board.  We take the photos at home visits.

We're trying the rocker in dramatic play this year, since it got too crowded in the book corner

Babies tucked into bed!

Jewelry, phones, sunglasses, plus a plant, and our creepy Owl!

We're trying the round table as our "drawing table" this year.  This is always for drawing/free art during choice times.

Table top manipulatives on the shorter shelf- to use at the other tables.
Paper shelf on top, so kids can reach it.  Trying the two magazine organizers to hold scraps/unfinished work-
we'll see how it goes.
Drawing/writing stuff on the taller shelf- kids generally help themselves during choice time.

Usually one table will have painting/gluing/art and the other some sort of sensory/manipulative toy.
You can also see our teacher counter and cabinets, teacher sink, and purple shelf for snack and paint supplies.

Sand table in foreground, hallway, drying rack, and easels in background.
Looking for a new alphabet for board behind the door.

We won't start jobs for a few weeks, but here's where they go.  Owls with names/photos are in the basket on left.
Watering can is supposed to be for leftover snack water- to be "green"

Question of the day board.  Magnets with photo/name on the green metal strip.

Cubbies/hooks live in the hallway

Easel close-up

Drying rack and Owl towel holder

Water table and door to the playground.